The data for this index was originally compiled and recorded by long-time BRS member, Colin Churcher. Colin was maintaining the original data in an Microsoft Access Database stored locally on his Personal Computer. A project to migrate Colin's Access Database to an on-line environment was initiated and the end result is what is available here. BRS is very grateful to Colin for his foresight to create an index for the news magazine in the first place, and all his hard work.
The database currently has over 28,000-plus records. The index data is comprised of 10 fields: Date, Page, Type, Subject, Author, Notes, and PDF (link) for every text and photograph item in all Branchline magazines published since 1966. The index content is currently maintained by BRS volunteer, Jim Sallie.
This index is intended primarily as a research tool. It provides the ability to search for and find in which issue a particular article or subject matter appeared in Branchline. Should the researcher not have the Branchline in question in his/her collection, PDF copies of issues are available on our website. Alternatively, hard-copy back issues may be obtained (if available) from the Society’s Sales Desk for a nominal fee. Alternative sources for hard-copy back issues of Branchline that are available for on-location viewing for BRS members research, include:
C. Robert Craig Memorial Library, Ottawa, Ontario
How to Search the On-line Branchline Magazine Index
Searching the index is pretty straight-forward. The first screen displays a page of the index records (oldest 20 records first), and a search bar along the top. (An Advanced Search page is available to those visitors who need more precise searching.)
An example may help. Let's say we need to see all the items in the index authored by our Duncan du Fresne. In order to perform this specific search, we would:
Search for: [Author] [Contains]
Enter the text 'duncan' in the search field box
You may notice that the database will automatically offer Author suggestions as you type.
Select "du Fresne, Duncan H." as the author.
Click on the [Search] button
At this point, all the entries in the database index that were authored by Duncan will be displayed.
Automatic Database Links Added to Branchline Magazine PDF files
In July 2024 URL links were added in the index database which will automatically open the associated Branchline PDF file, and page for a specific item you might be interested. Once you have located the Branchline issue of interest via the on-line Branchline Index, you simply click on the "Open PDF" link. This opens a new browser window and displays the page in the PDF file accordingly.
Please email Branchline Index comments, suggestions, questions using our Contact Us link
Access to the On-line Branchline Magazine Index
You can simply use the Branchline Index window displayed below, or you can Click here to open the Branchline Index in a New Window, if you prefer.