
Former Canadian National Railways baggage car number 9627 was built by National Steel Car in 1955 and started life as No. 9246. It was part of a large order by CN to upgrade its passenger equipment as the company tried to compete with airplanes and cars.

Originally painted in CN's green and black livery it was later painted in the new black and white scheme when the company adopted its CN "wet noodle" in the early 60s.

The car became No. 9627 in 1974 and was transferred to VIA in 1978.

In 1983, the Canada Science and Technology Museum acquired the car. It never received the VIA livery and was received in the second CN colours.

In August 2011, the Society restored it to the original colours, and renumbered it from 9627 to its original 9246.


Technical Information

Type and Origin
Acquired 1983
Builder National Steel Car
Model Baggage Car
Build date 1955
Length 73 ft 6 in
Air Conditioning None
Electric System 32 VDC
Wheels and Trucks Four Wheel Commonwealth
Exterior Finish Green and Black Livery
Weight 58 tons (approx)
Performance Figures
Train brakes  Air